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Whip 'Em Out!

Thank you to @babydefender for sharing this great video on twitter.
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Reader Comments (18)

Just bloody love you and the way you love to share such amazing information with everyone! You ROCK!!!

"its what your knockers are for!" - oh, how I loved this! Thank you for sharing :-)

(nursing the wiggly toddler in my lap and sending this to my mama friends)


August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKara Fleck

fabulous! thanks for sharing!

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie

Awesome! I love it! Thanks for sharing!

I wanted to learn more about the video and went to thebump.com/breastfeeding (link at end of video) - some pretty great stuff there too! Celeb breastfeeding stories (some pretty candid ones), interesting information and helpful resources.

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

My favorite line: "Breastfeeding - its what your tits are for!"

Absolutely fabulous! :)
Consider it retweeted!


August 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkelly @kellynaturally


August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCatalina

LOL Love it!

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSummer

Fantastic! LOVE "it's what your tits are for!" lol!

I do wish they wouldn't say things like "my baby was never sick the whole time we were breastfeeding," because there's a misconception that the immunological benefits are a *guarantee* of perfect health. I've heard mothers complain about how they thought breastfeeding was supposed to mean their baby would never get sick, and they feel lied to and like the whole thing isn't worth it. We advocates need to choose our words carefully so that we're providing reassurance without making promises our ta-tas can't meet!

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJess

I weighed 10 lbs less after feeding my son than before I was pregnant. And I ate all kinds of stuff. It was amazing. My little guy did get a cold while breastfeeding but it builds his immune system. I also didn't get a period for over a year. Awesome! I'll totally take that anytime!

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBecky @ Our Peaceful Home

LOVE! Thanks for sharing! I have to agree on the 'never got sick' part Jess brought up. my dd has gotten sick--much less than her ff friends but still has caught a few colds. I take her with me to the gym 3-4 times a week and she picks up viruses there. so if someone tells me their child was never sick for a year or more, I wonder if their children were ever around other kids? LOL I DO think bf'ing has protected her from tons of illnesses, but colds and such are so normal and I think they help build their immune system for later in life. whether or not it's been scientifically proven! :)

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

I love this PSA!

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrandi

I love the video! I breast-fed my kids (1980s) and they have always been exceedingly healthy. They got colds occasionally but illnesses that required medical intervention were few and far between. I was formula-fed in the 1950s and had many bouts of strep/tonsillitis until my tonsils were taken out at age 8. I admit that when I was pregnant with my first, although I planned to breast-feed, I felt a little weird about the whole thing. I was 30 when she was born and although she was planned, I had absolutely no experience with babies. Whip out a breast? For what? Huh? But I swallowed my fears and plummeted headfirst into breastfeeding. Of course, the first few weeks were hard, as my infant daughter and I got to know each other, but she taught me how to feed and take care of an infant and, once we got over that first little hump (as I think the video mentioned), I couldn't imagine any other way to feed a baby. I was fortunate to have a lot of support, including my *mother* -- the one who had fed *me* with formula!

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkayak woman

it was that one woman's experience.. she didnt say "YOURE baby will never get sick the whole time you breastfeed!".. then i could see the problem.

August 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjackie

Love it!

August 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarianne

These are 2 of my favourite parts of breastfeeding as well. Now that I've stopped breastfeeding and am putting on some weight I think that I should just get pregnant and a within a few weeks after giving birth I'll be skinny again ;)

August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

Love this, especially because it's more realistic than so much of the BF stuff I see. In the beginning, for me? It hurt. In spite of perfect latch with all three babies, the first 10 days were painful. I don't think we do anyone any favors when we pretend that it's always easy! With my first, it hurt like a staple gun had been applied to my nipples and everything I read said, "BFing should never hurt! If it hurts something is wrong!" This was back in 1993 and I think things have improved since then, but if I had been warned (and assured that it would get better!) about the pain, I would have been more confident at the front end.

August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAdrienne

Love this!

(And after breastfeeding for 4 years total I STILL don't look anything near as good as these women - do you think there's hope? LOL)

August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJuliette

[...] you Annie @phdinparenting for posting this before me. VN:F [1.9.3_1094]Rating: 0 (from 0 [...]

August 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWhip ‘Em Out
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