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Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding Overstated?


You may have heard that a new study recently proved the benefits of breastfeeding (or risks of formula) are overstated. You probably heard this because journalists like to read scientific studies and twist them into a storyline that fits their agenda and then editors like to come along and put the cherry on top with a link baiting exaggerated headline.

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Are We Lying on Facebook?


In an essay, Sarah Tuttle Singer describes a Saturday where she offered up various blissful glimpses of her day for the world to "like". Then she takes us through all the things that she left out.Sarah wants us to stop fakebooking and start sharing the real and shitty family moments. But should we? This post gives my take on the issue.

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Canadian Government Forced to Review Safety of 23 Pesticides


Environmental groups in Canada have forced the federal government to review 23 ingredients that are used in 383 different pesticide products approved for sale in Canada. These pesticides have been banned in European countries and the environmental groups (David Suzuki Foundation and Equiterre, represented by Ecojustice lawyers) won a legal challenge which will force the Canadian government to review their safety.

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The Meaning Behind a Photo: Children, Photo Journalism, and Social Good Campaigns

girl curled up inside chalk drawing

Have you seen this photograph? I saw it for the first time the other day when a friend shared it on facebook. When I found out that the picture is not at all what it was being passed off as, I felt deceived, and it got me thinking about the way we use photos to tell stories, especially when those photos involve children.

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Introducing Allergens to Infants and Preventing Allergies: New Recommendations and Thoughts


Because of the high and ever-increasing prevalance of food allergies in Canada (7% among the general population, and >10% of one-year olds), the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) considers allergy prevention a key health goal. In December 2013, CPS issued a joint statement along with the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology on Dietary Exposures and Allergy Prevention in High-Risk Infants. In this post, I discuss the recommendations and the implications for the management of allergy risk overall.

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