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Entries in Bangladesh (7)


Where Can I Shop for Clothing? Understanding Bangladesh, Safety and Ethical Sourcing

Young woman in Bangladesh training to work in the garment industry

A lot of people were hit hard by the images of the Rana Plaza factory that collapsed in Bangladesh last year and the news of the factory fires that came before that. As Western consumers of many of the goods that are produced in that factory, the deaths, the injuries, the inhumane working conditions make us feel guilty, devastated and confused. Where can we buy clothing for our families without hurting people? How do we know that the companies that we are buying from are treating workers fairly and ensuring they have safe working conditions?

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Boycotting "Made in Bangladesh" Will Do More Harm Than Good

Last week, I was devastated to hear that more than 300 workers were killed when a factory collapsed in Bangladesh, just as I was devastated when more than 100 workers were killed in a factory fire last year. A lot of people are calling for a return to buying local and saying they will boycott "Made in Bangladesh". I don't think that is the answer. But what is?

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International Day of the Girl: Should We Have Hope? 


A Child's Work


Images of Bangladesh

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